September 14, 2019
One out of five Americans have been touched by bed bugs.
We hear many stories from people all across the country and other parts of the world. Everyone wants to tell me their experience with bed bugs. Sharing some highlights is worth volumes to open the eyes of many who have no clue about the mysterious bed bug.
Someone once shared their story of battling bed bugs on their own...
I bought a case of bug spray and foggers. My house smells like fresh laundry soaked in pesticides. I had to get a hotel room for a week and discovered bed bugs in the hotel room. Is there a place on Earth that doesn’t have bed bugs?
According to a recent NPMA’s Bugs without Borders survey, pest management professionals report that residences top the list of places where bed bug infestations are found, with 95 percent of pest professionals treating bed bug infestations in apartments/condominiums and 95 percent treating bed bug infestations in single-family homes. Respondents also reported other common areas, with 75 percent treating bed bug infestations in hotels/motels, 46 percent in college dormitories, 58 percent in nursing homes, 45 percent in office buildings, 43 percent in schools, 33 percent in hospitals and 29 percent on various modes of transportation.
Bedbugs get around
Today, bed bugs can be found throughout almost every region of the world and in all 50 U.S. states. Specifically, the pests were encountered by 17 percent of 2011 Bed Bugs in America survey respondents in the Northeast; 20 percent in the Midwest; 20 percent in the South; and 19 percent in the West.
Armor & Shield has killed a lot of bed bugs but they are still here. We are ready to come kill your bed bugs.
I find it interesting sometimes today with all the news about bed bugs that some folks think only other people— only dirty people or dirty housing businesses!— will get bed bugs. They even have a bit of an attitude that “Not us! We run professional quality apartments.” I think to myself, So naive. And Armor & Shield wants to help.
It’s not how clean or the quality or how many rating stars you have... bed bugs just don’t care. Bed bugs are not interested in crumbs, leaky water pipes, or messy rooms. Bed bugs just want you and your family.
I know someone who stayed in one of the finest suites in Las Vegas and had bed bug bites! How dare that hotel!
Bed bugs have been a household pest issue for more than 3,300 years, dating back to ancient Egypt. They were first brought to the United States by early colonists, where they thrived for many decades. However, by the 1950s, bed bugs had been all but eradicated in the developed world, thanks to the availability of new pest control products like DDT, a wicked pesticide that can cause cancer in humans, maybe getting them to grow a tail or a third eyeball— just kidding about the tail and eyeball.
Several factors led to the explosion of bed bugs beginning again in the late 1990s; increased international travel, and a lack of public awareness about pest prevention methods.
The best and most-thorough treatment for bed bugs is heat. In fact, it’s the only honest one-day treatment out there. Make one call to Armor & Shield at 405-698-6090. Our trained technicians will treat your home or business with clean, safe heat and all your bed bugs will be dead in just one 1-day treatment. Anybody can kill bed bugs. We kill the eggs. Problem solved.
Don’t take our word for it
I am amazed to see the great quality of service provided by Moe and his team. They did outstanding bed bug heat treatments at our home and since then we are enjoying a healthy and safe life. The entire team is easy to work with and gave preference to the client's requirements. A big thanks to them for doing a fantastic job.
Mia Roberts
5 Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
March 6, 2021