Found a bug? — Don’t panic!

We offer free bed bug identification.

Text a picture to 405-698-6090.

Armor & Shield is the best bed bug exterminator in Oklahoma CityUnlike some other insects, finding you have bed bugs is not a statement on the cleanliness of your home. Bed bugs don’t care if your home is clean or dirty or if you are rich or poor — all they want it to live around you and feed on you for dinner. Discovering you have bed bugs need not induce panic. Follow some simple tips and your experience will be more pleasant than if you ignore your bed bug problem.

Armor & Shield offers a free bug identification service. Simply text us a picture of the bug you found to 405-698-6090 and we will help you know what pesters you.


Most importantly, call a professional bed bug exterminator at the first sign of bed bugs. The sooner you contact a professional who can kill all the bed bugs and their eggs in one visit, the sooner you will be bed bug free. Next, realize bed bugs will probably be found throughout your home, so don’t throw away your mattress, bedding, or any other furniture. Thirdly, prepare for a bed bug treatment by eliminating clutter on and around furniture and throughout your home. Lastly, relax (as best you can) and know relief is on the way!


The Most Competitive Pricing and Best Service Warranty in Oklahoma City!

Armor & Shield Pest Control specializes in Bed Bug Heat Treatment using the latest and greatest technology available. The extermination process used is the most affordable and effective solution to kill bed bugs, guaranteed. The treatment is quick, efficient, and completed in approximately 6-8 hours. Your home — and most importantly your family — will be 100% bed bug free in less than one (1) day!

You don’t need to deal with bed bugs alone! View our bed bug heat treatment photos and videos.


The Armor & Shield Pest Control Approach to Eradicating Bed Bugs

Armor & Shield Pest Control is the leader in Oklahoma City and surrounding areas for bed bug treatments. Our innovative technology and convective heat methodologies have proven to be the most effective system for a complete bed bug eradication solution — often in just one day!

We use portable direct-fired heaters. These eco-friendly devices elevate the ambient temperature to a level that is lethal for bed bugs yet safe for the contents of your home. The unit disperses and convects heated air throughout the room so that it warms every location that pests might hide... even places chemical treatments cannot easily reach. Heat treatments eliminate the requirement to use toxic pesticides inside your home and the potential for lingering chemical residue. Our professionally-trained technicians can safely kill bed bugs in one treatment without damaging your home.


If you are looking for a reliable and durable solution for getting rid of unwanted bed bugs in your home, just call them. They are punctual, professional, and use standard methods. We would give them an A+ rating for their awesome job of removing the bed bugs from our house.

Armor & Shield is the best bed bug exterminator in Oklahoma City.Mario Grifler
5 Stars: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
March 22, 2018

Why does Armor & Shield Recommend Heat Treatment?

Bed bugs are dangerous pests that are becoming extremely prevalent in North Carolina. These parasitic insects typically accompany you home after travel to a friend, relative, or after staying in a hotel. Their numbers declined in this country after the Second World War, but this trend reversed after the ban of DDT. Named for their tendency to attack their prey in beds, this nocturnal parasite can live in carpeting, furnishings, books, electronics, walls and electrical systems with cracks and/or crevices. They sleep and breed in these hidden locations during the day and then come out at night to feed on you and your family. Bed bug bites are painful and can trigger allergic reactions. With the ban of DDT, heat treatment has become the most reliable way to exterminate bed bugs and their eggs. Failure to kill all the eggs guarantees the infestation persists and will continue to be bitten.

Heat treatments are 100% safe to you, your family, your pets, and your home and belongings — including your electronics, TVs, and computers — and 100% lethal to all stages of bed bugs, including their eggs.


How it works.

Armor & Shield is the best bed bug exterminator around Oklahoma City

Unlike chemicals, heat kills bed bugs wherever they may be hiding: in furniture, in the walls, along the floors, in computers and electronics.

Armor & Shield is the best bed bug exterminator for Oklahoma City

Our trucks are discreet. We could be a plumber or a contractor. We do not advertise to your neighbors that you have bed bugs.


Choose the Right Bed Bug Treatment Option

Armor & Shield Pest Control offers two effective treatments for eliminating bed bug infestations. While both treatment options are effective, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each treatment to decide what is best for your situation. The biggest determining factors you will want to consider are your budget and your patience for ending your bed bug problem.

Our helpful staff will be glad to help walk you through your options and help you choose the right solution!


Thermal Remediation

Bed bugs gone in 1 visit
Kills all stages of the bed bug lifecyle
Non-toxic treatment

Treating bed bug infestations with thermal is a 1-day process to completely kill bed bugs and end the infestation. Heat treatments kill all stages of the bed bug life cycle, and can have you bed bug free as soon as the treatment is done.

This process takes approximately 6-8 hours (depending on the size of your home). While it is completely non-toxic your family and pets must stay out of the house while the treatment is in progress.

Heat treatment is the best option for those wanting to immediately rid themselves of abed bug infestations.


Chemical Treatment

1 Hour application time
14 days to be “bed bug free”
Typically 50% less than Thermal Remediation

Unlike heat treatments, our chemical spray treatment takes around 2 weeks to completely kill all of the bed bugs in your home. This treatment method involves spraying a pesticide in areas where bed bugs like to hide.

Bed bugs must cross the sprayed areas in order to be eliminated. Because the bed bugs reproduce quickly, you will have to wait for any eggs to hatch and those nymph’s to walk through the treated areas before they are killed.

During this 14-day period, you will continue to see bed bugs in your home.

The benefit to the chemical treatment is the price. The typical chemical bed bug treatment is typically about half the cost of thermal remediation.